Editing existing pages
If you are allowed to edit pages in this Site, simply click on edit button at the bottom of the page. This will open an editor with a toolbar pallette with options.
To create a link to a new page, use syntax: [[[new page name]]] or [[[new page name | text to display]]]. Follow the link (which should have a different color if page does not exist) and create a new page and edit it!
Adding new pages
Go to the bottom of the left hand column on the home page, you’ll see an ‘add new page’ button.
The title you put in here becomes the URL ending (e.g. http://measurementcamp.wikidot.com/events).
Once you’ve done this you’ll be able to link to the page from existing pages.
If you want to add this new page to the left hand nav column then you need to click on ‘edit this panel’ at the bottom of the column.