MeasurementCamp reports
- Econsultancy MeasurementCamp report - download to see specific notes and examples from the January 2009 session, with thanks to Econsultancy for hosting and writing up
Other resources on social media measurement
- Social Media Questions and Answers from HowSociable Answers
- Social Media Measurement on TheNewPR Wiki
- Social Media Measurement on Facebook
- Social Media Measurement Roundtable, a similar discussion taking place in Toronto on 20 May.
- [] Arbeitsgemeinschaft Social Media (Working Group Social Media). German association aiming at standards for social media measurement.
- The Social Web Analytics eBook 2008, Philip Sheldrake
- Guide to Social Media Analysis, Nathan Gilliatt
- Comprehensive Guide to Mobile Statistics, by Cloud Four (not social per se but relevant)
Attempts at definition
- The Conversational Index, Stowe Boyd
- Distributed Influence: Quantifying the Impact of Social Media, Jonny Bentwood
- Sorting out social media measurement, Nathan Gilliatt
- Measurement Silos: Are You Measuring Media or People? - an updated take
- Extensive list of possible metrics, Rachel Happe
Other helpful posts
- Social media tools list - from analytics to Digg, Andy Merchant
- Monitoring Social Media Before You Have a Budget, Nathan Gilliatt
- New Media, New Influencers & Implications for PR, Society for New Communications Research
- Comscore white paper on display Ad effectiveness - sign up here, - I wrote a brief note about it here on my blog - Alan Patrick