Wednesday 7th October 2009
Wednesday 7th October, 10 am - 12 pm; Venue: Engine, 60 Great Portland Street, W1W 7RT
Strictly no pets, under 19s or angry people
- The Start
- Quick intros in small groups
- 'how we did it' presentation on measuring social media in real-world campaigns
- Small-ish workgroups working on other current or recent real-world scenarios volunteered by attendees
- Micro-highlights on any key findings or facts from the workgroups (vs. every single moment of that workgroup's existence)
- The End.
Your presenters this month :)
Attendees [Insert your name here using 'Edit' button at very bottom of page on the right - no need to login!]
- giles palmer Brandwatch
- Luke Brynley-Jones - Monitoring Social Media 09
- Zania Guy Altogether Digital
- Selena Chan @SelenaChanLive | LinkedIn
- John Clarvis @clarvis
- Will McInnes Nixon McInnes
- Andy Vincent Cow PR @ATSV Blog
- Louise Doherty Cow PR @louisedoherty
- Bridey-Rae Lipscombe Cow PR @BrideyRae
- Ella Tacchi Cow PR @ellabella83
- Simon Hurrell 3seven9 @thetraitor
- Jordan Stone, Text 100 | @jordanstone | Blog
- Jenni Lloyd Nixon McInnes
- David Wood 3seven9 @thedavewood
- Eric Swain limenoodle @ericswain
- Sharon Clews redsprings ltd @redspringsmedia
- Eaon Pritchard Geronimo @eaonp
- Paul Hutchings Kindle Research @kindleresearch
- Penelope Lipsham @pixilipz
- Michael Litman @litmanlive | Blog | Consolidated PR
- Daryl Willcox @darylwillcox | Blog | DWPubWill make it to the next one
- Andrew Gerrard @andrewgerrard LinkedIn
- Simon Booth Cubeworks @simonbooth
- Faith Johnstone Cubeworks @faithyj
- David Fuller Pilote Media @dmfreedom
- Jeremy Godfrey Tamar
- Simon Whatley tmg @whatterz
- Michael Blowers, Media Evaluation Research : TwitterCan't this time but will next
- Simon Quance HyperlaunchDMG @quozza
- Gerel Orgil, Speed [] : {]
- Tim Callington Edelman @timcallington
- Bob Mitchell @boborama Apologies.
- Helen Lawrence Dare @helenium
- Milly Diaz Tamar @pauperprincess
- Steve Berry Channel 4 @unloveablesteve
- Ed Hartigan @EdHartigan
- Rob Taylor TST Digital
- Rob Shepherd @robshepherd | Press Dispensary Busy again, bah!
- Andy Newman Global Radio almost 10yrs over 19 -@canofpopcom
- Deirdre Molloy CIMAsphere | Blog
- Annette Heninger CIMA
- Carolin Gerllitz, []
- Tom Planer Qube Media | @mrtomasz
- Iqbal Sidhu, []
- chris hall (@chrish10)
- Ged Carroll Ruder Finn @r_c | Blog
- Gemma Went Red Cube Marketing @GemmaWent
- Lance Concannon []
- Fiona Grantham Qube Media | @fionajane
- Katie Colbourne Volume | @VolumeGroup
- Samantha Souter FARM-Africa @FARMAfrica
- Helen Bailey FARM-Africa @FARMAfrica
- Gary Jennings
- Caroline Wilcox
- Jenny Brown The Awesome Web @jennybee
- Mario Antoniou @MarioAtClever
- Chris Antoniou @ChrisAtClever
- James Norris at Nitro Digital
- Annabel Bradford Red Gate Software
- Martin Uttley @martinuttley
- Berit Block, comScore []
- Duncan Pringle DBMgroup
- Nick Dobson DBMgroup
- Jody Smith @toastmaster
- Adam Abu-Nab @Rubber_Republic
- Rory Ahern @Rubber_Republic
- Lucie Bartlett Synergy & @luciebartlett
- Andrew Grill London Calling @andrewgrill
- Mark Pack, Mandate Communications @markpack Blog
- Deborah Lewis Mandate Communications @deborahrep
- Laura Tan, moc.nodnoltigid|nat.arual#moc.nodnoltigid|nat.arual,
- Naomi Dulfer
- Caroline Ayling Synergy & @cjayling
- Xavier Adam, AMC Network, []
- Carolyn Mackintosh Wunderman
- Greg Vitarelli, Sherpa (
- Mecca Ibrahim, Current TV , @currentuk
- Beth Carroll, Ash Communications @Beth_Carroll
- John Griffiths Planning Above and Beyond @johngriffiths
- Adam Parker, RealWire @adparker
- Beth Granter, Twentyfirst / The Good Agency | @bethgranter | Blog
- Sejal Parekh , Trifle Creative Communications / Media140 @holasejal